Package-level declarations


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data class PlayerAnimations(val controlsEnterDuration: Duration = 0.milliseconds, val controlsExitDuration: Duration = 500.milliseconds, val loadingSpinnerDelay: Duration = 500.milliseconds)

Animation settings used by THEOplayer UI components.

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data class PlayerColors(val liveButtonLive: Color = Color.Red, val liveButtonDvr: Color = Color.Gray)

Additional colors used by THEOplayer UI components.

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Contains functions to access the current theme values provided at the call site's position in the hierarchy.


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fun THEOplayerTheme(colorScheme: ColorScheme = MaterialTheme.colorScheme, shapes: Shapes = MaterialTheme.shapes, typography: Typography = MaterialTheme.typography, playerColors: PlayerColors = THEOplayerTheme.playerColors, playerAnimations: PlayerAnimations = THEOplayerTheme.playerAnimations, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Provides theme colors, shapes and fonts to be used by the player.

fun THEOplayerTheme(useDarkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), shapes: Shapes = MaterialTheme.shapes, typography: Typography = MaterialTheme.typography, playerColors: PlayerColors = THEOplayerTheme.playerColors, playerAnimations: PlayerAnimations = THEOplayerTheme.playerAnimations, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Provides theme colors, shapes and fonts to be used by the player, using the THEOplayer brand style.